Frequently asked questions (General)

Is sign up really free?

Absolutely! Signing up for User Advocate Community is free and simple. There are no hidden fees or costs involved.

I'm not very tech-savvy. Can I still participate?

Of course you can! Our UserAdvocate Community app makes it super easy for you to provide and submit feedback. Just follow the instructions in each user research and make sure you have good Wi-Fi connection.

How much money can I make?

Rewards vary based on the complexity and type of the study you participate in. Typically, a single-user research can be from $5 -100, or even more, depending on mainly whether it's a survey, app testing, or user interview. There is no restriction on how many you can participate in!

How do I get my rewards?

You can choose to be paid by PayPal or Bank Transfer. Yes, we transfer in local currency to bank accounts in most countries.

You can expect to be paid within 21 working days after completing a user research. During this time, your submission will be reviewed and once the researcher accepts your submission, you will receive a form on your registered email ID requesting preferred payment details.

What do I need to participate in user research?

All you need is your smartphone or computer as well as a good Wi-Fi connection to participate in a user research.

Is there customer support available if I have questions?

We put in a lot of effort to create a comprehensive user guide to ease your journey. Please refer to our user guides for more details.

In case that does not answer your questions, you can always contact us via email at

Test Related

How long does a user research typically take?

The length of user research primarily depends on the type of research. A website or app test typically takes 15-20 minutes while user interviews are typically longer around 50-60 minutes. The estimated duration will be indicated in the project description.

Note: Incentive levels vary accordingly.

What kind of feedback will I be asked to give?

Most often, you'll be asked to interact with a website, mobile app, or product, and share your experiences and thoughts. For example, what did you like/dislike and why, did it meet your needs/expectations, and any suggestions?

We call this 'user research'.

You may also be asked to participate in a simple online survey of Q&A.

What do I have to do during a user test (Mobile App or Website Testing)?

You will be asked to interact with a website or app and give feedback on your experience. There will be certain tasks that you will be required to complete which is called 'Completing a Task'. Speaking your thoughts out loud is important to researchers and is a requirement for approval.

What are the steps in user research?

There are simple steps you need to follow to participate in user research :

1. Take the screener - A screener is a short online survey of "Yes/No" questions to evaluate whether you meet the desired profile of participants for a study. Not all studies will have a screener.
2. Take the test and submit
3. Wait for review by the researcher
4. The payment incentive form will be shared on your registered email id
5. Fill in payment details and preferred mode of payment ( PayPal/Bank Transfer)
6. Incentive will be paid

The steps for user interview requires a live video call with the researcher. The following steps are taken for participating in a user interview :
1. Submit the screener
2. Once qualified, you will receive a phone/WhatsApp call to check further whether you are a fit for the study
3. A meeting will be scheduled with the researcher based on your availability
4. User interview will be taken on the selected date and time
5. Incentive payment processed

Note: Incentives for user interview is the highest.

What is a “Screener”?

Screener is a short list of survey questions asked before taking the study to determine whether you fit the desired target profile for the given test. Some tests have it, some don't. You will need to pass the screener to be participate in the test, if there is one.

Why did my testing submission get rejected?

There may be instances during the test when the voice recording is unclear, in such cases, the test may be rejected. We provide quality feedbacks and insights to our clients. If the criteria is not met, the test may be rejected and asked to be re-conducted.

Few reasons for rejected may be :
1. Voice was unclear
2. Lack of verbal feedback
3. Incompleting a task or skipping a task altogether

What is recorded during the user test?

Your screen and voice may be recorded during the website or app test to properly capture your experience.

Whenever recording is needed, we will always seek your permission and consent before the start of any user research.

Where can I find new testing opportunities?

In the UserAdvocate Community app, check the tab 'Tests' at the bottom menu bar. Invitations to screeners for user interviews are only sent through emails, so please check your email regularly. Both invitations for user research and screeners are sent to your registered email.


How do I get my rewards?

You can choose to be paid by PayPal or Bank Transfer. Yes, we transfer in local currency to bank accounts in most countries.

You can expect to be paid within 21 working days after completing a user research. During this time, your submission will be reviewed and once the researcher accepts your submission, you will receive a form on your registered email ID requesting preferred payment details.

Why have I not been paid though I already took the test?

Please ensure the following steps are met :

1.Check your email and make sure you have filled up the incentive form
2.Make sure you have given the correct PayPal ID or bank transfer details
3.You can expect to be paid within 21 days

If you still face issues, please feel free to drop a message on hi@useradvocatecommunity.

System Requirements

What devices should participants use to take the test?

The following devices are recommended for participants. To know more about your device configuration, go to Settings and check for version details.

Computers :
Windows Computer: Click here to find out how to update to the latest Windows version.

macOS MacBook, iMac: Click here to find out how to update to the latest macOS version.

Smartphone :
Android phone: Android Version 5 and above. Click here to find out how to update to the latest Android version.

iPhone: iOS 13 and above. Click here to find out how to update to the latest iOS version.

Tablet :
Android tablet: Android 8 and above

iPad: iPad iOS13 and above

This means most devices are supported :)

What are the recommended browser requirements?

Website/App testing: It requires a Chrome Extension - we recommend using the latest version of the Google Chrome browser and the Chrome Extension on the Desktop.

Or, you will have to take the test on the UserAdvocate Community app by downloading it on your mobile/ tablet devices.

For user interviews: We recommend using the Google Chrome browser on desktop and mobile.

What should I do if I encounter any technical problems while using the platform?

If you encounter any technical problems, UserAdvocate Community has a customer support team available to assist you. You can usually contact them through email by dropping a message at hi@useradvocatecommunity.


How will my personal information be utilised?

We follow strict privacy and security protocols for personal information. We mainly use your personal data to select you for the right test, to process compensation, and to improve our utilisation of your service as a UserAdvocate Community member. We do not sell our UserAdvocate Community member information to third parties. To learn more please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Getting the UserAdvocate App

How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

For the first-time user

Before you take the test, make sure you have...

  1. Downloaded the UserAdvocate by UXArmy App on the App Store.
  2. Reset a new password for your account in the UserAdvocate App.
    • Click "Login as UserAdvocate"
    • Click "Forgot Password" to reset your password

Before starting your test, remember to 

  1. Have yourself seated in a quiet place
  2. Wearing earphones for good voice recording quality
  3. Make sure the device is connected to strong WiFi or the internet for a fluent video uploading process.

Steps to Take An App Test on iOS Devices


Login As UserAdvocate

  • You’ll receive an email invite for the User study in your mailbox.
  • Launch the UserAdvocate App
  • Click the “Login as UserAdvocate” button
  • Enter your User Advocate Credentials
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?
  • Once logged in, You’ll see your account main page after login. Switch to the Tests tab from the button function bar or click on the “Take Tests” button on the screen
  • Test available to your account would be shown here. Tap on “View” of the test you would like to participate in.
  • Now, you can see the Test Details. Select the language you would like to have the test in. Read through the details, and tap on “Start Test”
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?
  • You’ll see a prompt message requesting you to enable the microphone and screen broadcasting. Tap on “Good to Go”
  • Enable the voice recording & screen broadcasting
❗️ Please note that you’ll need to FIRST switch on the Microphone. Then, tap on “Start Broadcast”. Otherwise, the voice recording will not be turned on, and the test response without voice recording will not be considered a successful submission.
  • Tap anywhere on the screen to proceed
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

Starting The Task

  • Now, you’ll see the Task Instruction of the 1st Task. Read through the instructions carefully, and find out what you need to do to complete the task.
❗️ On the top of the screen, you’ll see the recording is on, and you’ll have 50 minutes to complete this whole study. Remember to speak out every thought or feedback you have in mind while doing each task.
  • Tap on “START TASK 1” to start the task
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

Types of Tasks

When starting the tasks, you might be shown one of these different tasks.

a. App navigation task: You might be asked to download and open an app or the TestFlight app (i.e., the app used for testing the iOS applications that are still in development) on your phone. Follow the task instruction given, and complete the task.

❗ Please note that the Uber App shown in the below screenshot is for example purposes only. You would be asked to download a different App according to the study you are taking.
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

b. Prototype task: You’ll see a prototype, and follow the task instructions given to you to complete the task. If you see a screen similar to the left screen below, the prototype is loading, please wait for it.

❗️ If you are stuck at the prototype loading screen, please stop the test, and take a screenshot. Kindly email, we will contact you shortly.
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

c. Speaking task: You’ll only need to speak out, talk about your thoughts, and give your verbal feedback, based on the task description given.

How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

d. Image task: You’ll be shown an image, and you’ll need to speak out your thoughts and give some feedback, based on the image presented in the task.

How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

During The Task

  • To review the task instructions or move on to the next task, you will need to a) click on the “◀ UserAdvocate” on the top left corner of the screen or b) manually switch to the UserAdvocate App by hard pressing and moving up the home bottom bar slightly or double-clicking the Home button (depending on your iPhone model), then switching back to the Testing App/Prototype/Image/ to continue the test.
❗️ To complete all the Tasks in the study, you may need to manually switch between the Testing App and the UserAdvocate App several times.
  • When you complete this task, click the Task Controller, and “Slide the green dot to start the next Task”.
❗️ Please note once you’ve marked the task as completed, you won’t be able to come back to the previous tasks.
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

After Completing The Task

  • After you “slide to start the next Task”, you might see some types of survey questions asking about your actions in the task.
    • Single Select
    • Multiple Choices
    • Open Question
    • Likert Scale
    • Ranking (rank the options by pressing and dragging the 3-line button on the right)
  • You’ll be able to see the next Task after completing the survey questions. Repeating the previous steps until you’ve completed all the tasks.
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

Submit Test

  • Once you’ve completed all the tasks in the study, you will see the screen below. Tap on “Submit Test”.
  • Tap on “Got it” to disable your screen recording
  • Tap on “Microphone Off” and “Stop Broadcast”
  • Tap anywhere on the Broadcast screen to dismiss it
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?
  • Then, the App will automatically start uploading your screen recording. Wait till the recording to be fully uploaded.
❗️ Please note that DO NOT leave the UserAdvocate App, until your video finishes uploading and you have seen the first screen as below.
  • Once the video uploading has been completed, you can close the test or tap on “Become UserAdvocates” to receive more other Paid User Study Invites in the future.
    👉 Who are the UXArmy UserAdvocates?
How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad? How to take an iOS App User Study on an iPhone/iPad?

How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

For First-timer User

Before taking the test, make sure you have...

  1. Downloaded the UserAdvocate by UXArmy App on the Google Play Store.
  2. Reset a new password for your account in the UserAdvocate App by
    • Clicking "Login as UserAdvocate"
    • Clicking "Forgot Password" to set a new password

Before starting your test, remember to

  1. Have yourself seated in a quiet place
  2. Wearing earphones for good voice recording quality
  3. Make sure the device is connected to strong WiFi or the internet for a fluent video uploading process.

Steps to Take An App Test on Android Devices

Login As UserAdvocate

  • You’ll receive an email invite for the User study in your mailbox.
  • Launch the UserAdvocate App
  • Click the “Login as UserAdvocate” button
  • Enter your UserAdvocate Credentials
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

Check Available Tests in Your Account

  • Once logged in, you’ll see your account main page. a) Switch to the “Tests” tab from the button bar or b) Click on the “Take Tests” button on the screen.
  • Test available to your account would be shown here. Tap on “View” to see the test you would like to participate in.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?
  • Now, please read through the Test Details, and tap on “Start Test” to proceed.
  • Choose the language you would like to have the test to be in
  • Tick each requirement once you have fulfilled it
❗️ Please make sure to have your device connected to high-speed internet, sit in a noise-free environment, and put on your earpieces. This is to ensure that you have set up a good environment to take the test fluently.
  • Click “Get Started” when you are ready to begin the test
  • Next, you’ll be prompted to a message informing you some permissions are required to start the test. Tap on “Proceed”.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

Allow Permission Requests

❗️ It is highly important to allow these permissions to have your submission is successful. Please DO NOT skip or deny any requests. You can change these permissions after the test.
  • Tap on the “While using the app” or “Allow” to allow the screen recording during the test
  • Tap on the “While using the app” or “Allow” to allow the audio recording during the test
  • Tap on the “Allow” to allow us temporarily store the result of the user study for the research purpose
❗️ Please note that at the end of the test, there will also be another request to ask for running the UserAdvocate App in the background, click on the “Allow”.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

Starting The Task

  • Now, you’ll see the Task Instruction of the 1st Task. Read through the instructions carefully, and find out what you need to do to complete the task.
❗️ On the top of the screen, you’ll see the recording is on, and you’ll have 50 minutes to complete this whole study. Remember to speak out every thought or feedback you have in mind while doing each task. 
  • Tap on “START TASK 1” to start the task
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

Types of Tasks

When starting the tasks, you might be shown one of these different tasks.

a. App navigation task: You might be asked to download and open an app or a Beta version app that is still in development on your phone. Follow the task instruction given, and complete the task.

Please note that the Alibaba App shown in the below screenshot is for example purposes only. You would be asked to download a different App according to the study you are taking.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

b. Prototype task: You’ll see a prototype, and follow the task instructions given to you to complete the task. If you see a screen similar to the left screen below, the prototype is loading, please wait for it.

❗️ If you are stuck at the prototype loading screen, please stop the test, and take a screenshot. Kindly email, we will contact you shortly.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

c. Speaking task: You’ll only need to speak out, talk about your thoughts, and give your verbal feedback, based on the task description given.

How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

d. Image task: You’ll be shown an image, and you’ll need to speak out your thoughts and give some feedback, based on the image presented in the task.

How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

During The Task 

  • To review the task instructions or move on to the next task, click the Task Controller (the movable circle icon), and you will see the task instructions again.
  • When you complete this task, click the Task Controller, and “Slide the green dot to start the next Task”.
❗️ Please note once you’ve marked the task as completed, you won’t be able to come back to the previous tasks.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

After Completing The Task

  • After you “slide to start the next Task”, you might see some types of survey questions asking about your actions in the task.
    • Single Select
    • Multiple Choices
    • Open Question
    • Likert Scale
    • Ranking (rank the options by pressing and dragging the 3-line button on the right)
  • You’ll be able to see the next Task after completing the survey questions. Repeating the previous steps until you’ve completed all the tasks.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

Submit Test

  • Once you’ve completed all the tasks in the study, you will see the screen below. Tap on “Submit Test”.
  • You might see a prompt message asking to run the UserAdvocate App in the background, click the “Allow” to ensure the video uploading won’t be interrupted even if you accidentally exit or close the app. You can turn off this setting after the video uploading.
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?
  • Then, the App will automatically start uploading your screen recording. Wait till the recording to be fully uploaded.
  • Once the video uploading has been completed, you can close the test or tap on “Become UserAdvocates” to receive more other Paid User Study Invites in the future.
    👉 Who are the UXArmy UserAdvocates?
How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet? How to take an Android App User Study on Mobile/Tablet?

How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?

  • Carefully read and follow the instructions you have received in the email invitation for the User study.
  • Click on the study invite link in the invitation email or copy & paste the link address in your Google Chrome Browser
  • You can also copy the test Link from the UserAdvocate Mobile App and open the text link in your computer’s Google Chrome Browser.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • Then, you will see a screen as shown below.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • Click on the “Install UserAdvocate Chrome Extension to prepare your computer for the study” button, it will open a new tab, directing you to the “chrome web store”, from which you need to install the extension in your Chrome browser.
  • Click the “Add to Chrome” in the chrome web store
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • You’ll see a prompt, click the “Add extension”, and wait till the extension completes the installation. Then, close the chrome web store tab.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • After closing the chrome web store tab, you will see the following page. Click on “Enter Study” to start the User Study.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • You will be asked to Enable Microphone, Webcam and Screen Sharing permissions so your facial expressions, screen interactions and spoken feedback during the test can be recorded.
⭐️ If you don’t allow voice, you won’t be able to proceed, and your response will not get accepted by the Researchers. Verbal feedback is important for researchers to understand the thoughts and feelings behind your actions.

👉 Unable to use the microphone on your macOS, click here.
👉 Unable to share screen on your macOS, click here. How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop? ⭐️ Not all tests will require face recording
  • Once you have enabled Microphone, Webcam and Screen Sharing permissions, you can start the test. DO NOT close the Microphone, Webcam and Screen Sharing permissions tab during the test
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • Now, you’ll see a Welcome message for the study, click the "Start Test" button.
❗️ Make sure you are seated in a quiet place, connected to strong and stable WIFI/Internet. Wear earphones with a microphone to ensure good voice recording quality & test experience before you proceed.
  • Then, you will see the 1st Task details screen as shown below. Read the task details carefully and follow the instructions. Remember to speak out your thoughts during the task.
  • Click on “Start Task
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • During the test, on the bottom left corner, you can review the Task Details anytime by clicking on the pink control button.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • When you complete the task, click on the control button. You’ll see the screen as shown below. Click on the “Complete Task” to see the next task.
How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • Repeat the same steps to complete all the tasks
  • Once completing all the tasks, the website will start uploading your screen recording automatically.

❗️ Do NOT close your browser until see the screen as shown below.

How to take a prototype/website study on Computer/Laptop?
  • Once the uploading is done, the Microphone, Webcam and Screen Sharing permissions tab will automatically close.

How to take iOS App Study (SDK)

1. Carefully read and follow the instructions you have received in the email invitation for the User study.
2. After receiving the link to download the test App for the user study, install it on your iPhone.
3. Launch the test App. You should see the following screen. Click on "YES, LET'S DO IT".
iOS UserAdvocate App
4. The App would ask your permissions to record the screen and audio through your Phone. There is no risk to give these permissions for study purposes, so click on PROCEED button.
iOS UserAdvocate App
5. After the permissions are granted, the App would ask you to enter your Secret key. Carefully enter your secret key and move to the next step.
iOS UserAdvocate App
6. The first Task would be displayed now. Read the task (this is a good opportunity to practice speaking, by reading the task loudly). Click on the button to start the task.
iOS UserAdvocate App
7. The task has started. Perform the action in the App as instructed in the task. In case you have forgotten the task instructions, no worries. You can relook at the task instructions anytime, using the circular control as shown in the screenshot.
iOS UserAdvocate App
8. The task when invoked in the App using circular control looks like in the screen below.
iOS UserAdvocate App
9. Before completing the task, you would be required to input your text comments. Remeber to speak out your comments as you type. We need your voice as well as text feedback.
iOS UserAdvocate App
10. After you have completed all Tasks, it's possible that you feel that a particular task could have been done better. Now in this screen, there is an opportunity to Retake any task. Click RETAKE button against Task that you want to retake. In case you do not want to retake any Task, click "SKIP RETAKE" button.
iOS UserAdvocate App
11. Now it's time to give your overall comments about the experience of the App. Fill in your comments and press the SUBMIT button. And yes, by now you would be speaking out your feedback quite well :-)
iOS UserAdvocate App
12. The results of the user study would start to upload on the Cloud now. Wait until you hear a positive beep sound and the progress bar is full.
Note: Uploading is only possible when your device is connected to the Internet using Wi-Fi.
That's ALL. You have successfully completed a User study.
iOS UserAdvocate App

How to take Android App Study (SDK)

1. Install the UserAdvocate App on your mobile device using the given link of the email.

2. Login using the screen shown below. Use the same credentials as you had used for creating your UXArmy account.

3. After login to the UserAdvocate App, Tap on the user study that is for Android devices. You would see the instructions screen with few steps to follow. Follow the instructions until the App for User study is installed on your phone.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

4. Launch the test App. You should see the following screen. Tap on "YES, LET'S Go!"

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

5. The App would ask your permissions to record the screen and audio through your Phone. There is no risk to give these permissions for study purposes, so Tap on PROCEED button.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

6. After the permissions are granted, the App would ask you to enter your Secret key. Carefully enter your secret key and move to the next step.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

7. The first Task would be displayed now. Read the task (this is a good opportunity to practice speaking, by reading the task loudly). Tap on the button to start the task.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

8. The task has started. Perform the action in the App as instructed in the task. In case you have forgotten the task instructions, no worries. You can relook at the task instructions anytime, using the circular control as shown in the screenshot.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

9. The task when invoked in the App using circular control looks like in the screen below.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

10. Before completing the task, you would be required to input your comments. Remember to speak out your comments as you type. We need your voice as well as text feedback.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK) Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

11. After you have completed all Tasks. it's possible that you feel that a particular task could have been done better. Now in this screen, there is an opportunity to Retake any task. Tap the “RETAKE” button against the Task that you want to retake. In case you do not want to retake any Task, Tap "SKIP RETAKE" button.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

12. Now it's time to give your overall comments about the experience of the App. Fill in your comments and press the SUBMIT button. And yes, by now you would be speaking out your feedback quite well .

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

13. The results of the user study would start to upload on the Cloud now. Wait until you hear a positive beep sound and the progress bar is full. That's ALL. You have successfully completed a User study.

Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK) Step by Step instructions Android Mobile App (SDK)

Frequently asked questions (Desktop Prototype/Website)

What should I do if Screen Sharing / Screen Recording is not starting on my macOS/ Apple Laptop?

You need to allow screen recording permission for Google Chrome.

1. Click on the “Apple icon” from the left top of the screen

2. Open System Preferences, click the "Security and Privacy"

mac OS settings

3. Find the "Screen Recording" section, click the box next to Google Chrome to allow Screen Sharing. You may need to click the unlock icon in the bottom-left.

4. Next, click "Quit Now". Quit and restart Google Chrome, now you're ready to take the test.

mac OS settings2

Do I need to download any other software?

Yes, only once! You’ll be prompted to download the UserAdvocate Extension into the Google Chrome browser on your computer when you start the User Study.

Can I take the User Study on other browsers except for Google Chrome?

Not at the moment. We are still building support for other browsers.

Is it necessary to provide the microphone permission / what if I skip giving the permission?

Yes, The purpose of a user study is to understand your usability feedback of the Website in the best way possible. Voice feedback along with Screen Sharing helps us to make meaningful conclusions about the Design shortcomings and things that you like/dislike about the test Website. So, We strongly recommend you allow this permission to increase your chances of getting rewarded. A submission without any voice feedback is most likely to get disapproved by our client, and you will be requested to re-take the test.

How can I enable microphone permission once I blocked the microphone permission?

Try the following steps as recommended by Google:

Change a site's camera & microphone permissions

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More and then Settings.
  3. Under "Privacy and security," click Site settings
  4. Click Camera or Microphone.
  5. Turn on or off Ask before accessing.
  6. Review your blocked and allowed sites.
  7. To remove an existing exception or permission: To the right of the site, click Delete.
  8. To allow a site that you already blocked: Under "Blocked," select the site's name and change the camera or microphone permission to "Allow."

If you're using a Chrome device at work or school, your network administrator can set camera and microphone settings for you. In that case, you can't change them here.
Learn about using a managed Chrome device..

Am I allowed to take the User Study in Chrome's Private/Incognito Window?

No, we don't support Private window / Incognito mode to take the user study.

Can I take the User Study as 'Guest' User in Chrome Browser?

No. For user's security reasons, Google doesn't allow any extension to work in Guest account.

How to take Mobile Website/ Prototype Study


Open the UserAdvocate App. Ensure you are connected to a stable internet connection. Wi-Fi recommended. (Click on Android or iOS if you haven’t installed the app)

For Existing UserAdvocates: Login to the App using your login credentials. If you are unable to login, reset your password using ‘Forgot password’.

For Existing UserAdvocates

For New Users: Sign up on the application by following the steps laid out in the“Sign Up” tutorial.

For those accessing test link through email: Open your email account and click on the button’ Start User Study’.

For those accessing test link through email


Before starting some of the tests, you may be asked to fill in screener questions which will determine whether you are a good fit for the test required.

Please follow the instructions below :

Step 1 : Select the language among options, if asked

Step 1

Step 2 : After selecting your preferred language, click on ‘Let’s Go’ to see if you are a match for the required test.

Step 2

Step 3 : Answer the questions asked to you on screen and select among the available options. Answer the questions and move on to the next question by clicking ‘Next’.

Step 3

Step 4 : After completing the questions, you will be informed whether you are selected or not.

Step 4 Step 5


3. LOG IN :

Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the ‘Tests’ tab where you will be able to see the available tests.


Note: The purpose of a Test is for the client to understand how you use the website and what you think / feel about it.


Click on the “Tests” tab on the bottom of the home screen and you will be able to see available tests you are eligible to take. To start the test, click on ‘View’.


Note : Make sure that you’re seated comfortably in a quiet environment before entering the test.

You will be directed to a “Confirmation” page that will check your readiness. Please check all the boxes to confirm a ready check. Post that, click on ‘Get started’ to begin.

Confirmation Page


Tap on “Start Test” to take the test when you're ready. Feel free to speak out your thoughts and suggestions while taking the test.


Allow permissions to record the screen and audio and click on ‘Proceed’ to move forward.

Allow permissions

Use the help of Task Circle to navigate through the page and view task instructions and for moving to the next task.


Use your cursor to tap and move around the task circle. Take a small demo to see how you can navigate through the page. Tap on ‘Start Test’ to begin.

cursor 1 cursor 2 cursor 3

The next step is to allow recording or casting on your device to allow permissions to begin the test. Click on ‘Start now’.

Allow recording

6. Tasks :

You will be asked to perform a few tasks based on the website link displayed on your screen. Task instructions will be stated on how to take the test and what is expected from your feedback.

Click on the ‘Start task’ button to begin your task.

Start task

After taking the test, you can proceed to the next task by sliding on the bar.

next 1 next 2

Note : You can check the progress of the test duration by looking at the completion bar above.

Complete all the tasks in a similar manner and click on ‘Next’ to proceed.

Complete all the tasks

7. Upload

After completing all tasks you will see a screen to ‘Submit Test’ and you’re successfully completed the test!
Good job.

Submit Test Submit Test

Note : The App will start uploading the screen recording. Allow the recording to fully upload before closing the app. On some networks, the upload might take some time.

Your test will only be uploaded once 100% of your recording is successfully uploaded on the platform. Please be patient with it.

8. Completed :

You will see a ‘Congratulations’ page to confirm that you have successfully completed the test. Keep a tab on ‘Available Tests’ for opportunities to participate in the future.

Congratulations Page

Frequently asked questions (Mobile Prototype/Website)

What to do if the prototype in the unmoderated testing is not displaying and functioning well?

If there's any technical issue that happens in the test, please exit the test immediately and write an email to We will come to assist you shortly.

Do I need to download any other software?

Yes, you'll have to install the UserAdvocate app from the Google Play Store (for Android users) or the App Store (for iOS users).

What are the minimum requirements to install the UXArmy UserAdvocate App on my Android/iOS Mobile?

For Android mobiles, you’ll need to have Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later.
For iPhone users, you’ll need to have iOS 13.0 or later.

How can I take a test using the UXArmy User Advocate app for Android/iOS?

For the Android App test, click here to see the Step-By-Step guide. For the iOS App test, click here to see the Step-By-Step guide.

Can I take the User Study if I don’t allow the microphone permission or screen sharing permission?

No, without allowing the microphone or screen recording permission User Study will not start.

How long it takes to do a User Study?

It depends on the User Study, it could range from 10 to 50 minutes.

Can I do other things such as calling or replying texts during the User Study or uploading the video?

Yes, you can receive phone calls and messages during the User Study, however we suggest you to avoid that at set your phone mode to "Do no disturb" during the user study.

Do I need to install the UserAdvocate App every time I receive a new user study invite?

No, you only have to install the UserAdvocate App only once and you can attend all User Studies using this App.

My recording cannot be uploaded successfully due to the Internet or another technical issue, but I have done well in the study. What can I do?

If you faced any technical issues during the test or video uploading, please contact UXArmy Help at any time at Our support team will assist you with the technical issues. Also, we would suggest you start the user study when you are in a strong wifi connection and quiet place to ensure your response can get approved by our clients easily.

I think my test recording might not have been uploaded successfully, what can I do?

For Android smartphones,
If you feel that your recording is not uploaded successfully, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open "File Manager" App on your Smartphone.

Step 2: Browse to "Internal Storage" and look for Folder name "UXSDK".

Step 3: This folder should have the video recording of your Test, you can confirm the Video by playing it back.

Step 4: Upload the Video on Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, or any other public Cloud storage.

Step 5: Create and Share Public downloadable link and send to

During the User Study My Mobile got switched off, What can I do in this case?

Don’t worry after you restart your mobile, you can open the UserAdvocate App, and re-take the user study again. A response submission will only be considered as complete until you have uploaded the video successfully.

Can I ask to re-take the User Study after I have uploaded the video recording?

Yes, you can! If you feel that you didn’t do well in the test and would like to re-take the user study, kindly sending an email to to request a re-take of the study.

Can I come back to the previous task later to complete things that are left undone before submitting my feedback?

No, you won’t be able to go back to the previous tasks once you have moved on to the next task. But Don’t Worry! You can re-start the study again by closing the UserAdvocate App and re-launching the App to take the study again from the beginning.

Can I take User Study on any other browser on Mobile without using the UserAdvocate App?

Sorry, we don’t support taking the test without the UserAdvocate App, you can only take User Studies through the UserAdvocate App.

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