The researchers require clear verbal feedback, which cannot be achieved in noise filled environments, poor quality microphones or complete silence. As the microphone is highly sensitive to sounds, we kindly request you to wear headphones during the user test to prevent any noise.
We pay the incentives to our UserAdvocates via PayPal, E-Wallet, or Bank Transfer. You need to provide your details by writing to and you will receive your payment within 15 working days after completing a website or app test. (This waiting period allows the researchers to approve your video responses 'only screen and voice recording'). A test is only considered complete when your screen recording is uploaded, so make sure you connect to a good quality Internet connection (we recommend Wi-Fi). Uploading via Data connection (5G/4G/LTE) could be expensive.
You will need to install "UserAdvocate" app on your smartphone. This is a one-time installation. Once you receive an invitation to participate in a test, simply follow the instructions. For mobile app testing and task-based tests, your screen will be recorded while you complete the test. Please avoid accessing any confidential information during the test. Once you have finished, you can submit your test. A complete submission includes uploading your screen recording to us, which will occur automatically when you have an internet connection (we recommend using Wi-Fi). Please note that uploading via a data connection (5G/4G/LTE) may incur high costs. Occasionally, we may also recruit User Advocates for in-person user research. If you are selected, we will provide further instructions on your role.
In order to contribute to the improvement of a website or app, its usage is required. Therefore, these user tests involve actively engaging with the websites or apps being tested. Each test consists of specific tasks that assess ease of use and user-friendliness. It is important to thoroughly understand the tasks before doing them.
UXArmy UserAdvocates (Testers) are people like you and me, who sign up to test websites and apps. In some cases, they even have the opportunity to test them before they are launched to the public. Their role is to provide constructive feedback on the ease of use and user-friendliness of these websites and apps.
You don’t need any special technical expertise. We’re seeking consumers who can provide constructive feedback on the user-friendliness and ease of use of websites, apps, chatbots, and more. Your opinion is important! We’re not looking for people who only say good/bad, like/dislike. You should provide your suggestions about how an app or website could work better for you. You must be 18 years of age or older with access to desktop or mobile devices.
"These tests are taken online which means, we don’t have information about the reasoning behind your actions on the website / app.
To make your contribution useful, we require you to think your thoughts loud and clear - as they come to your mind. The researchers who build the user tests can not find anything useful, without your spoken out thoughts."
It's absolutely important and required. Your response without your spoken feedback is just like watching a movie without audio and subtitles. As a result, it’s not useful and would not be accepted by researchers.
Our clients require clear and audible feedback, which cannot be achieved solely through inaudible voice or complete silence. As the microphone is highly sensitive to sounds, we kindly request you to wear headphones during the test to prevent any noise from interfering with your voice. Any background noise, won't provide any valuable input so please avoid sounds like hand movements, or clothing rubbing against the microphone. Hence, we strongly recommend using headphones at all times during the test.
Please watch this video. You can also click on this link for more detailed instructions.
We pay the rewards to our UserAdvocates via PayPal, E-Wallet, or Bank Account. You need to provide your details by writing to and you will receive your payment within 15 working days after completing a website or app test. (This waiting period allows researchers to approve your video responses 'only screen and voice recording'). A test is only considered complete when your screen recording is uploaded, so make sure you connect to a good quality Internet connection (we recommend Wi-Fi). Uploading via Data connection (5G/4G/LTE) could be expensive.
We pay you for taking a test and submitting your comments and suggestions along with the required recordings. Screen recording is required for most tests, voice recording for some. The instructions will tell you what’s required.
Reward varies depending on the test you’re selected for. We offer monetary rewards via the viable methods of payment - sometimes "PAYPAL" or using popular online money transfer services. Incentives for in-person user research are generally higher, because you may be required to travel to the location where the user study is conducted, and the time commitment is greater.
Payment is commensurate with the complexity of the task or study. For task-based tests that record your think-out-loud audio and video, average compensation is an average of $10. For standard surveys, the average compensation is $5. In-person interviews and user research average compensation is $50. Payment is made in local currency.
Your voice and screen will be recorded. The recording will be only active during the duration of the user test.
No. The mobile app does not use the Camera. In some tests to be taken on Computers, researchers may request for turn On your Camera.
We mainly use your personal data to select you for the right test or study, to process compensation, and to improve our utilisation of your service as a UserAdvocate. We do not sell our UserAdvocates information to others. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.
We have in place algorithms that check on feedback from the UserAdvocates and ensure that feedback benefits businesses. Additionally, validations are also in place to ensure that users do not create multiple accounts. Dishonesty in providing feedback may result in your account being deactivated or banned. All credits will be forfeited if evidence has been validated by our management team.