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FAQs about UserAdvocate


Is sign up really free?

Absolutely! Signing up for User Advocate Community is free and simple. There are no hidden fees or costs involved.

I'm not very tech-savvy. Can I still participate?

Of course you can! Our UserAdvocate Community app makes it super easy for you to provide and submit feedback. Just follow the instructions in each user research and make sure you have good Wi-Fi connection.

How much money can I make?

Rewards vary based on the complexity and type of the study you participate in. Typically, a single-user research can be from $5 -100, or even more, depending on mainly whether it's a survey, app testing, or user interview. There is no restriction on how many you can participate in!

How do I get my rewards?

You can choose to be paid by PayPal or Bank Transfer. Yes, we transfer in local currency to bank accounts in most countries.

You can expect to be paid within 21 working days after completing a user research. During this time, your submission will be reviewed and once the researcher accepts your submission, you will receive a form on your registered email ID requesting preferred payment details.

What do I need to participate in user research?

All you need is your smartphone or computer as well as a good Wi-Fi connection to participate in a user research.

Is there customer support available if I have questions?

We put in a lot of effort to create a comprehensive user guide to ease your journey. Please refer to our user guides for more details.

In case that does not answer your questions, you can always contact us via email at hi@useradvocatecommunity.com

Baca instruksi terperinci untuk berbagai jenis tes pengguna


UserAdvocate FAQs
Para peneliti membutuhkan tanggapan verbal yang jelas, dan tidak bisa dilakukan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang bising, mikrofon yang kurang berkualitas, atau tidak ada suara samasekali. Karena mikrofon sangat sensitif terhadap suara, kami meminta anda untuk memakai headphone selama melakukan user test untuk mencegah kebisingan.
Penyedia layanan pembayaran kami dapat meminta Anda memberikan perincian tambahan untuk memungkinkan transfer hadiah. Detailnya dapat bervariasi berdasarkan negara tempat Anda tinggal.

Transfer E-Wallet
Pembayaran ke E-Wallet Anda hanya dapat dikirim jika e-wallet Anda disertakan oleh penyedia layanan pembayaran kami

Transfer bank
Pembayaran ke bank Anda hanya dapat dikirim jika bank Anda termasuk oleh penyedia layanan pembayaran kami

Tentang Pembayaran dengan PayPal
Akun PayPal harus atas nama Anda. Kami tidak dapat mentransfer insentif ke akun PayPal yang tidak dimiliki oleh Anda. Setiap UserAdvocate harus memiliki ID PayPal yang unik. ID PayPal tidak dapat digunakan oleh lebih dari satu orang di komunitas UserAdvocate.

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