


企業はあなたのような個人に依存して、アプリやウェブサイトをテストしています。 useradvocateとして、オンラインテスト中に画面アクションと音声を記録することにより、フィードバックを提供する機会があります。これらのテストを実施するための時間と場所を選択できます。各テストが完了すると、銀行口座に10ドルの預け入れを受け取ります。

コンピューターでのユーザーテストについては、Google Chrome拡張機能をダウンロードしてください。
FAQs about UserAdvocate


Is sign up really free?

Absolutely! Signing up for User Advocate Community is free and simple. There are no hidden fees or costs involved.

I'm not very tech-savvy. Can I still participate?

Of course you can! Our UserAdvocate Community app makes it super easy for you to provide and submit feedback. Just follow the instructions in each user research and make sure you have good Wi-Fi connection.

How much money can I make?

Rewards vary based on the complexity and type of the study you participate in. Typically, a single-user research can be from $5 -100, or even more, depending on mainly whether it's a survey, app testing, or user interview. There is no restriction on how many you can participate in!

How do I get my rewards?

You can choose to be paid by PayPal or Bank Transfer. Yes, we transfer in local currency to bank accounts in most countries.

You can expect to be paid within 21 working days after completing a user research. During this time, your submission will be reviewed and once the researcher accepts your submission, you will receive a form on your registered email ID requesting preferred payment details.

What do I need to participate in user research?

All you need is your smartphone or computer as well as a good Wi-Fi connection to participate in a user research.

Is there customer support available if I have questions?

We put in a lot of effort to create a comprehensive user guide to ease your journey. Please refer to our user guides for more details.

In case that does not answer your questions, you can always contact us via email at



UserAdvocate FAQs



PayPalアカウントはあなたの名前である必要があります。あなたが所有していないPayPalアカウントにインセンティブを譲渡することはできません。各UserAdvocateには、一意のPayPal IDが必要です。 PayPal IDは、useradvocateコミュニティの複数の人が使用することはできません。

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